Песня Make You Believe История Золушки 3, автор Lucy Hale

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Название произведения: Make You Believe (История Золушки 3)

Автор: Lucy Hale

Длительность mp3 записи: 03:31

Оценки: 0

Текст просмотрели: 436

Добавлено: 2015-04-22


Ещё произведения автора Lucy Hale
Текст этой песни:

Plug in the mic
Open the curtains
Turn on the lights
I'm through rehearsing
The feeling ignites
I'm in control
The crowds in the palm of my hands
All my fans stand
What is the truth?
What's an illusion?
You're searching for proof
But are you certain?
Whatever you see
Is what you get
If words paint a picture then
I betcha I can getcha yet

I'll make you believe in me
I can be what you want me to be
Tonight is the night
Where I make you see
That I can be anything
Anything, anything
I'll m

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