Песня Fly To Your Heart, автор Classic Disney Tinker Bell

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Название произведения: Fly To Your Heart

Автор: Classic Disney (Tinker Bell)

Длительность mp3 записи: 03:11

Оценки: 0

Текст просмотрели: 652

Добавлено: 2015-05-05


Ещё произведения автора Classic Disney (Tinker Bell)
Текст этой песни:

Watch all the flowers
Dance with the wind
Listen to snowflakes
Whisper your name
Feel all the wonder
Lifting your dreams
You can fly (Fly)

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you'll find your wings
To your heart

Touch every rainbow
Painting the sky
Look at the magic
Glide through your life
A sprinkle of pixie dust circles the night you can fly

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you'll find your wings

Everywhere you go
So we'll find a home
You'll be free to spread your wings
You can fly
To your heart
(Fly, fly)

Rise to the heights of all you can be
(Fly, Fly)
Soar on the hope of marvelous things

Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you'll find your wings

Everwhere you go
So we'll find a home
You'll be free to spread your wings
You can fly
To your heart

Selena Gomez Fly To Your Heart FULL Music Video
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