Песня DevilLady: In the Shadow of Her Hooves, автор Gmork

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Название произведения: DevilLady: In the Shadow of Her Hooves

Автор: Gmork

Длительность mp3 записи: 03:47

Оценки: 0

Текст просмотрели: 634

Добавлено: 2014-10-05


Ещё произведения автора Gmork
Текст этой песни:

Stupefies darkness of night,
Swinging naked trees,
Reflected fear in your eyes,
Attracts beauty of the white maiden
Be careful!

Her calmness will erase your doubts,
Her beauty will gobble up your soul,
Turns in night the child of darkness,
Beating off hoofs your last dance.

And having turned to a dirty pig
Will push off in a novel chasm
Make your last sigh,
A pettiness!
You are a victim of an ancient legend!

You have realised last sin
Your soul now her soul

Gmork - DevilLady- In the Shadow of Her Hooves
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