Песня Sugar Man ost Кэнди, автор Sixto Rodriguez

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Название произведения: Sugar Man (ost Кэнди)

Автор: Sixto Rodriguez

Длительность mp3 записи: 03:49

Оценки: 0

Текст просмотрели: 607

Добавлено: 2015-03-31


Ещё произведения автора Sixto Rodriguez
Текст этой песни:

Sugar man, won't you hurry
'Cos I'm tired of these scenes
For a blue coin won't you bring back
All those colours to my dreams
Silver magic ships you carry
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane
Sugar man met a false friend
On a lonely dusty road
Lost my heart when I found it
It had turned to dead black coal
Silver magic ships you carry
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane
Sugar man you're the answer
That makes my questions disappear
Sugar man 'cos I'm weary
Of those double games I hear

Sugar man, sugar man, sugar man, sugar man
Sugar man, sugar man, sugar man

Sugar man, won't you hurry
'Cos I'm tired of these scenes
For a blue coin won't you bring back
All those colours to my dreams
Silver magic ships you carry
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane
Sugar man met a false friend
On a lonely dusty road
Lost my heart when I found it
It had turned to dead black coal

Sugar man - Sixto Rodríguez "Candy" 2006 Movie
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