Песня Joker And The Thief, автор Wolfmother

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Название произведения: Joker And The Thief

Автор: Wolfmother

Длительность mp3 записи: 04:39

Оценки: 0

Текст просмотрели: 474

Добавлено: 2014-10-02


Ещё произведения автора Wolfmother
Текст этой песни:

I said the joker is a wanted man,
It makes him wear it all across the land,
See him sifting through the sands,
So I'll tell you all the story of the Joker, the thief and the knight.

Is every nothing in the misapose,
Are we living in the final hour?
There is always sweet as sound,
We are not going home.

Can you see the joker flying over?
As she's standing in a field of clover,
Watching out every day,
Wonder what would happen if you took away.

Well you see it though you might not love,
You get the feeling you got nothing to glove,
You bag of bodies, in a moment's love,
So I'll tell you all the story of the joker, the thief and the knight.

All the people you see in the night,
All the dreams you see in the light,
We are not going home


I said the joker is a wanted man,
Makes him wear it all across the land,
See him sifting through the sands.
So I'll tell you all the story about the joker, the thief, (times 2)
I'll tell you all the story of the joker, the thief and the knight.

Wolfmother - Joker and The Thief(Lyrics)
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